Tuesday 13 January 2009

Reader Poll: Best of 2008 Games

Which channel's Game of the Year came out on top?

US, January 12, 2009 - With 2009 now in full swing, the time for reflection is almost over. This Friday, IGN is announcing its overall Best of 2008 awards, including the coveted Game of the Year. While we aren't quite ready to announce the nominees and winners, we did ask readers which IGN channel's Best of 2008 winner they liked the most. Just over 52,000 of you voted and we've tallied the results.

According to you, the best of our individual platform Games of the Year are:

Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3): 48%
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360): 37%
World of Goo (Wii): 5%
Braid (Xbox Live): 3%
Sins of a Solar Empire (PC): 3%
The World Ends with You (DS): 3%
Patapon (PSP): 1%

The uncontested winner is Metal Gear Solid 4 for the PlayStation 3. Solid Snake's latest mission (really, who is prepared to truly call it his last?) topped the list with almost half of the total votes. Trailing behind it was Fallout 3, Bethesda's sequel to the popular post-apocalyptic adventure series. Fallout 3 appeared on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC last year, but only the Xbox 360 version topped the individual IGN channel awards.

The battle for last place was handily won by the inventive Patapon on the PlayStation Portable, a rhythm-action game that melded great music with clever gameplay. Existing between Patapon and Fallout 3 are the winners of all other channels, each garnering similar shares of the remaining vote. World of Goo, the WiiWare download, topped the third tier of games. Braid, the only other download game on our list, ranked not too far behind World of Goo.

How did you vote in our poll and why? Hit the comments and tell us which is your favorite game of 2008 -- or make a prediction about which game will win our 2008 Game of the Year!

Thanks to ign.com for the text

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