Tuesday 10 June 2008

All you need to know about Call of Duty 5!

It is being developed by Treyarch -
Confirmation that it will, in fact, be Treyarch handling it as most expected.

It will be set in World War II -
Following Call of Duty 4, the series will be returning to World War II and in particular, the battle of the Pacific between America and Japan. European assaults will also feature, such as the Russians advancing on Berlin.

It will be called Call of Duty: World at War -
Note that it will NOT be known as Call of Duty 5, as the series is now doing away with numbers, a la Tony Hawk.

It will be on a two-year cycle -
This means Treyarch has had more time to develop Call of Duty: World at War. This was a problem that blighted Call of Duty 3, which was completed in 11 months while the team was also trying to create a separate Call of Duty game for last-gen consoles.

Multiplayer is left intact -
Treyarch will be adding to Call of Duty 4's popular multiplayer rather than taking away, with the main addition being new vehicles. Perks will still be there along with a new 'leader' system, that gives you extra perks when sticking close to the team's leader.

It will use the Call of Duty 4 engine -
Good news for those who loved Call of Duty 4's fluid shooting action is that by using the same engine, this should feel largely the same. The biggest difference between the two are the environments are now more destructible.

Japanese tactics! -
The main new gameplay advance for the series is the unusually aggressive tactics of the Japanese as they set ambushes, hide in trees, flank fearlessly, hide in the ground... creative director Rich Farrelly says World at War has more in common with survival horror than war movies.

Four player co-op -
Call of Duty: World at War will have split screen for two players, online co-op for four players!

New weapons -
The main new addition being the flamethrower, allowing you to set fire to grass and trees, flushing out Japanese soldiers waiting to ambush you.

Which new feature are you most excited about in Call of Duty: World at War?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Treyarch again...hmm