Thursday 17 January 2008

In your face microsoft...

Apple have stepped up and released another update for APPLE TV which now includes TV SHOWS, MOVIES, YOU TUBE and FLIKR all on your TV.

Good news for me as I am a PC hater and a long term Mac user, and I already have Apple TV at home.

Click here to see the far superior interface for downloading/renting tv shows, movies and stuff. Kinda makes the 360 dashboard design look awful (personally I always thought the design was crap and was one area that the PS3 pisses all over the 360)


Numfundle said...

Technology, great ain't it. It's a box that emulates recording stuff to tape that self destruct after watching.

I don't mind Media Centre (sic) that much but I can't get on with any 'entertainment' hub that makes noises like a leaf blower.

"Watch what you want" with the caveat that it has to be available through their service. Spend $1.99 a pop, choosing from the best of a bunch of crap.

Where are the Blade Runner workprints? The Casablanca's? The Koyannisqatsi's? The Ghost in the Shell's? Gunner's Palace?

Nowhere to be seen on any of these services. If you're lucky you get fracking 'Go Bots The Movie', Laid in Manhatten and a whole bunch of other movies you can pick out of the 3.99 DVD bin at the local supermarket.

Rent a movie on DVD, preferably from the selection that have been riffed from , download the audio riff comentary onto you're MP3 player, sync them up and enjoy crap blockbusters in a whole new light. Now THAT's money well spent.

MisterStaples said...

One thing I love about my apple TV is that it is completely silent.

Agreed...there is a lot of proper CINEMA that is and will probably always be missing from any 'on demand' set top box...something that some of us will probably have to be always frustrated about...but I suppose there will always be a majority of people who would prefer "Shallow Hal" to "Koyannisqatsi" We can only sit with our DVD collections of 'proper' films happy in the fact that our eyes and ears are not being abused.

Your last couple of comments, I agree with completely, ALL of these services are hugely overpriced, 50p would be more like it.

Jonz said...

I can do all those thigns too...on my pc.

i watch TV on my TV, and use my PC for internet stuff.

I dont see the point

MisterStaples said...

The point is being able to have, essentially, HMV available on your TV. (itunes music store)

Do the media stuff that xbox can do, but better and faster. I have both systems and the xbox (currently) doesn't do it very well compared to the Apple box

I don't doubt that a PC can and does do all of the above, after all itunes and the music store is cross-platform.

It's just really nice to be able to do music shopping, movie and TV rentals, browse podcast libraries without having to be infront of your PC, it makes the whole thing more sociable. The user experience and interface etc is sooooo slick and intuative, it makes for a better designed experience.

On another note, is there anyone else out there that thinks that the PS3 interface rocks? Perhaps it's just me cos they ripped off Apple....I have always thought the xbox dashboard design was a bit "toy"

Numfundle said...

Astheticaly the PS3 interface seems superb. the Gaia visualisation, swooping real-time 3D renders of the Earth in high-def is nothing short of breathtaking.

XBOX is a toy. SONY and Microsoft try and push these consoles as entertainment hubs but we're not stupid are we?

I've used these pay for content services in the past (DRM crap) and they seemed convenient at the time. It wasn't until about a year later when I'd gone through several hardware upgrades that I discovered I was then unable to access any of 'my' content. All those tunes I bought are inaccessable.

To add insult to this, the service required that I remain in credit by more than the price of any item. So every person who choses to leave the service in effect is giving away approx 50p which is hardly worth the cost of attempting to recover it. Makes me wonder how much income they get from dead accounts.

I love the idea of a nice quiet box I can pipe my music and video library into. But these pay-per-spew service suck ass.
