Friday 18 January 2008

more info on "codday day out 2"

Hi all
i have just got some new info in what we will be getting upto in June:

The day will be as follows:

Combat Induction -
Book- In -
Health & Safety Guidelines -
Mission Objectives Explained -
Weapons Skills Training -
Kit-Up for Action -
Kill House Operations -
Team Kill Tactical Skills

The first part of the day involves the group being split.
One group will use the projectile range and the other will use the CQB house.
Each group will learn how to sight aim and fire a pistol and assault rifle.
A number of dynamic skills are demonstrated including learning how to fire from both left and right handed positions.

The CQB skills include learning how to sweep and search a series of rooms and walkways learning the best way to tactically enter and clear a hostile area.

Stage 1 Each member of your team will be coached through the CQB section on an instructor to player basis. After the first sweep of the arena the player will repeat the circuit again this time using their machine gun to hit a number of targets.
This is repeated until all members have completed the arena in pairs and finally a team of four. After the team is familiar with the procedures you will learn how to clear a room and perform a dynamic entry using a flash grenade.

The next level is simulated gas where your team has to clear a level equipped with special forces gas masks.

Stage 2 After stage 1 has been completed we switch your weapons to .43 tactical markers.
Your team will then be set a number of time sensitive scenarios to complete against live attackers who will shoot at you until taken down.
These include:- Rescue a hostage - Search and Clear - Locate and disarm an explosive device- Team on Team - Escort a VIP

thanks to Dave at Warfighters for the info

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