Wednesday 30 January 2008

Live games this week

Arcade: Rez HD
Rez HD Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Single Player, 5.1 Surround Sound, HD (High Definition). Set in a cyberworld, this legendary fast-paced action-shooter created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi will provide the ultimate audiovisual experience as you target the enemies and hack the system while creating your own beats. Five challenging areas, each with its own theme as well as unlockables waiting to be discovered. Don’t be afraid to dig deep into the world’s computer network!

Arcade: Chessmaster Live
Chessmaster Live Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Not available in Japan and KoreaDash
Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Chessmaster Live is the Xbox Live version of the reference chess franchise. It features multiplayer and solo modes.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

The hero dies

I would like to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to peter (MGBDude) for all his help over the years on this website, gaming, and helping get the CODDAY clan on the map.

It is sad that he has chosen to leave but i understand, and can only hope he will come back next year.

so again, hats of to ya peter you have been a star m8

Monday 21 January 2008 long....

Well. After some thought about the whole thing, I'm off. By that I mean that I won't be contributing to the blog at the same level as I have been (I may well still bung up the odd post) and won't be whoring my arse for spots in magazines etc. I have some other 'Projects' I want time to start thinking about and I want my xbox gaming to return to what it used to be without the general hassle of CODDAY as a clan thing. In addition to this for reasons I'm not going to go into, I doubt I will be coming along to Warfighters in June.

I'm sure that we'll all still play some games together but, the crap I get from being in the mags and from being in a clan is getting a little boring... to be honest I can't really be bothered with it all. They may even be a gamertag change too to avoid the junk mail on my xbox.

If the Gamertag changes, genuine friends will know but 'random gamers' who are on my list will probably find that I appear to disappear from live altogether.....

I hope you all continue to have a good laugh with the whole clan thing and the website. Might be worth someone else starting a new on as I started the current one and if/as and when I need space on blogger, it will get deleted.

See you on LIVE (perhaps) Pete.


Recently, posted a letter from Marc Whitten, General Manager of Xbox LIVE, thanking subscribers for their patience with the service. We’ve implemented several improvements to the service, to help ensure ongoing reliability and performance.
As the popularity of Xbox LIVE expands, we’ll continue to closely monitor the service and make adjustments. As always, if you are having any problems, please contact your local support (1-800-4-MYXBOX in North America) so that we can assist you.
Marc announced that all Xbox LIVE members (Gold and Silver) around the world would have access to a full Xbox LIVE Arcade game to download free of charge.
We’re pleased to announce that beginning next Wednesday, 2:00 a.m. PST through Sunday, 11:59 p.m. PST, Xbox LIVE members worldwide can download the full version of the recent award-winning Xbox LIVE Arcade game, Undertow.
Developed by Chair Entertainment Group, Undertow is one of the highest-rated and best looking games available on Arcade. Undertow redefines aquatic based shooters through a mix of high-definition graphics, intuitive controls and multiple modes of game play action. The game features a full story driven-single player campaign, on and offline co-op, and multiplayer for 2-16 players over Xbox LIVE for Gold subscribers. Players battle for control of the oceans as one of three selectable races, each with four unique, upgradeable units. "Undertow" is available worldwide (normally 800 Microsoft Points) and is rated E10+.

For more details on “Undertow,” please visit

Burnout Paradise - Guns N' Roses Trailer

sorry just can not help myself

Burnout Paradise - Aggression Trailer

its out friday!!!!!!!

Sunday 20 January 2008

Even William Blake...

...appreciated a good teabagging!


Jonzee72, lowering the tone since 1984!

Friday 18 January 2008

more info on "codday day out 2"

Hi all
i have just got some new info in what we will be getting upto in June:

The day will be as follows:

Combat Induction -
Book- In -
Health & Safety Guidelines -
Mission Objectives Explained -
Weapons Skills Training -
Kit-Up for Action -
Kill House Operations -
Team Kill Tactical Skills

The first part of the day involves the group being split.
One group will use the projectile range and the other will use the CQB house.
Each group will learn how to sight aim and fire a pistol and assault rifle.
A number of dynamic skills are demonstrated including learning how to fire from both left and right handed positions.

The CQB skills include learning how to sweep and search a series of rooms and walkways learning the best way to tactically enter and clear a hostile area.

Stage 1 Each member of your team will be coached through the CQB section on an instructor to player basis. After the first sweep of the arena the player will repeat the circuit again this time using their machine gun to hit a number of targets.
This is repeated until all members have completed the arena in pairs and finally a team of four. After the team is familiar with the procedures you will learn how to clear a room and perform a dynamic entry using a flash grenade.

The next level is simulated gas where your team has to clear a level equipped with special forces gas masks.

Stage 2 After stage 1 has been completed we switch your weapons to .43 tactical markers.
Your team will then be set a number of time sensitive scenarios to complete against live attackers who will shoot at you until taken down.
These include:- Rescue a hostage - Search and Clear - Locate and disarm an explosive device- Team on Team - Escort a VIP

thanks to Dave at Warfighters for the info

Thursday 17 January 2008

In your face microsoft...

Apple have stepped up and released another update for APPLE TV which now includes TV SHOWS, MOVIES, YOU TUBE and FLIKR all on your TV.

Good news for me as I am a PC hater and a long term Mac user, and I already have Apple TV at home.

Click here to see the far superior interface for downloading/renting tv shows, movies and stuff. Kinda makes the 360 dashboard design look awful (personally I always thought the design was crap and was one area that the PS3 pisses all over the 360)

You Killed....

There's an element of truth in the end message of this video, but I still like GH!

Tuesday 15 January 2008


Freakin love this shit!


Condemned 2 has the weirdest weapon in any FPS....(clue in the title)


Hello all
we have been speaking to people about this years "big day out" and the tank balling sounds fun some people think it may be to expencive.

So i have spoken to Warfighters and have sorted us a day with the Rainbow 6 boys.

The cost = £55.00 (trying to get some more discount)
The place = Onley Fields Farm, Onley Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UU
The date = 14th June 2008
hotel = £50.00 per room per night (so shairing £25.00 each per night)

A Typical Day Would Include:
Combat InductionBook
InHealth & Safety Guidelines
This ultra exciting event from WarFighters is guaranteed to get the adrenaline pumping to the max.
You will become part of a 4-man team who have a very special mission to complete, but before doing so you will need to be trained and practise your skills at the R6 CQB Centre.
Overview: 1- Mission Objective and Briefing
2- Weapon Handling Skills - Handgun and Rifle
3- Basic Room Clearance and Searching Skills
4- Communications
5- Hostage Extraction Procedure

The first part of your day will be learning how to use your weapons in a confined area.
This training will take place at the R6 centre using the range and CQB House.
You will improve your marksmanship using pistols and sub machine guns learning how to engage multiple targets.
You will then progress to the CQB House which is a specially constructed area containing multiple rooms and hide outs.
Your drills will include clearing the rooms of mock and live targets.
Live targets shoot back so you will need to be very alert.
Some rooms will be filled with simulated gas, so you will need to wear a military gas mask which makes your job even harder.
Rogue Dagger makes use of all our simulated weapon systems which include Airsoft BB guns, RAP-4 Military Markers and IR-Tactical Lasers.

I need to know numbers for the day and hotel (nights?) by the 14th Feb

Monday 14 January 2008


OK! so I watch too much late night TV and strange programs sometimes. While watching something very educational on one such channel I spied an advert for our great British army, which I had to double check.


Did you spot it!
Wow our army uses Xbox360's
Where do I get that game?

Rock this Bitch!

Well the nice people at GAME store in Cambs gave me a rather generous amount of cash for some xbox 1 games that were literally gathering dust + a couple of 360 games that were simply never getting played, coupled with a very do-able £17 of my own money got me a copy of GUITAR HERO 3 at the weekend. Never thought I would be into a "Rhythm" game but I have to say I'm Hooked....tons of replay value and a right laugh when your mates are over!

If you have never tried the Guitar Hero Franchise before, I can recommend it....certainly makes a change from all the guns and screeching tyres!! The bundle is quite expensive but if you've got junk lying around to trade it!

Its's back to a Screen near you very soon

Having really enjoyed the multiplayer on Rainbow six vegas I just hope that this is as awsome.
Due out on the 14th March 2008 see below for a list of features.

 Full PEC Experience
 A greatly improved PEC experience - your character evolves online and offline, in both single-player and multiplayer modes.
 Advanced Strategical A.I.
 Terrorist Leaders are now a strategic target for Rainbow - leaders control respawns, so when you take out the leaders, enemies can no longer respawn.
 Terrorists Enemies have a wider variety of reactions and use ballistic shields.
 Team Rainbow can use the leap-frogging technique for safely approaching an area defended by an opposing force. Teammates cover each other successively when they move forward.
 Enhanced Multiplayer Modes
 Up to 16 players.
 Two-player split-screen mode.
 13 maps for co-op and adversarial play including three maps from Rainbow Six: Vegas, revamped maps from Rainbow. Six: Raven Shield and all-new maps.
 All-New Co-Op Experience
 Co-Op Story Mode - Two players can combine to play through the entire story mode.
 Jump-In-Jump-Out Mode - A second player can jump into a single-player at any point, becoming a fourth teammate in the Rainbow team.
 Co-Op Terrorist Hunt - Up to four players can work together to eliminate all terrorist threats on single and multiplayer maps.
 New Adversarial Modes
 Demolition - Attackers plant an explosive device at one of two predetermined locations and protect the bomb until it explodes.
 Team Leader - Teams must keep their leader alive while they escort him to the extraction point while preventing the enemy from extracting their own leader.

Friday 11 January 2008

BT Vision

Coming to the 360 sometime this year will be 'BT Vision'. It lets you watch on demand movies and sport events, but you need a BT line. Weak.

Full story here

Omega 5

If you like a proper shooter and remember the genius that was R-TYPE back in the day (I certainly remember shoving 5p's in the coin-op on Worthing Pier when I was a kid) you should download OMEGA 5 from the marketplace, it really is the closest thing to R-TYPE I have seen in years. A proper Japanese 3D/2D shooter that will keep everyone happy until IKARUGA comes out... Get it!!!

click here for the original r-type audio....aaahhh memories!

Oh, and is anyone else far too excited that REZ is coming out this year?

Footfall doesn't. (fall)

Gold star from teacher and a little round of applause from the other kids in the class...

On Live last night [CODD] FOOTFALL managed 46 kills with a streak of 25 kills, only being killed twice.
Which is great as FOOTFALL nicely balances out how shit I am in clan matches!!!

I'd hate to think how good he's gonna be when he gets an HDTV and can really see what's going on!!

Thursday 10 January 2008

First Details of this years day out.


We are going to be going tank paintballing on 14th June. It costs (give or take a few quid) £100 for the day, I realise this is double the cost of last years event at Warfighters but the variation sounds good. Start with Tank Paintball (every time I type that, I laugh a little inside) which will be something like several tanks in a field with three people per tank firing 40mm paintballs at each other....awesome. The organisers throw us some lunch, and then in the afternoon we all have a lash at some regular paintballing in the woods.

The company is called CHAOS PAINTBALL and their site can be found here

CHAOS PAINTBALL also have Off-road buggies, hovercrafts and archery to piss about with.

It's not too far from the hotel in Northampton we stayed at last time which works out at about £25 each for the night. Might look for another hotel cos that one was a bit shit, but it did have plenty of parking and was in the town centre. It's grim up north (so they tell me) and Northampton was alarmingly full of evil Friday night sluts which made for an interesting (albeit rather frightening) night out.

If you're coming, we will need to know and have your money (perhaps only a deposit) by the END OF FEBRUARY so we can book. Once we have a final list of names we can make the booking and final prices per person will be set, depending on the numbers we will be able to get a small discount. You will also receive a personalised CODDAY T-Shirt as a momento of the day, T-shirt design can be seen elsewhere on this blog.

If everyone would prefer to go to Warfighters this could be arranged, however most of us have already done that and something different would be good, that and some of us were a little disappointed at Warfighters because of a lack of vehicles and grenades, only due to the fact the guys had moved site and not everything was up and running. However Warfighters are now more established at their new site and also have fantastic new weapons and a Rainbow Six style day. We all had a real blast last year at Warfighters and I think we would all like to go back, but we're thinking in the autumn for Jonzee's Birthday instead of the CODDAY big day out.

If you're up for it, the usual restrictions apply, send either MGB DUDE or PAWNK1NG a message over xbox live, over 21s only, don't bring your mum (unless she's fit), make sure you have plenty of beer money as we will get horribly pissed afterwards.

Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote

I know its not X-BOX but check what this chap has done with the Wii

Wear your COD with pride!

OK, here we go...BIG DAY OUT PART DEUX! We're thinking about "Tank Paintball" (more details to follow) but here is the current preferred Tee Shirt design. Obviously all personalised to your individual gamertag. Design may alter slightly as the next few months pass, usually down to costs, more colours, more ink, more get the idea. Leave comments if you like, and I'll ignore them at my leisure.


The Dude & The King.

Monday 7 January 2008

360 Gamer Magazine

Thanks to Kitt for the spot.

Call of duty 5

Call Of Duty 5 Heading For The Pacific?

Yes, Treyarch are indeed hard at work on Call of Duty 5. And that, yes, the series is heading back to World War II.

That's the stuff we'd heard already. What we didn't know is that, according to this tipster, the game's set in the under-utilized Pacific theater, something only one major WWII shooter - the awful Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault - has tried before. While (if true) the move back to well-worn WWII is mostly disappointing, if this game can branch out and explore some of the less "popular" aspects of the conflict

Free Gift to say Sorry !

Dear Xbox LIVE Members:

During this past holiday season you helped us break a number of Xbox LIVE records. This included our largest sign-up of new members to Xbox LIVE in our 5 year history and just yesterday you broke the record for the single biggest day of concurrent members ever on the service.

As a result of this massive increase in usage we know that some of you experienced intermittent Xbox LIVE issues over the holiday break. While the service was not completely offline at any given time, we are disappointed in our performance. I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you for your patience and understanding as our team has worked around the clock to return the service to a stable state.

At the same time we would like to offer a token of our appreciation to all of you in celebration of record success for the service. And as a thank you for your loyalty during this holiday period, we will be offering all of our Xbox LIVE members around the world access to a full Xbox LIVE Arcade game that will be available to download free of charge. In the coming weeks we will be sharing the specific details of this offer with you.

Thank you again for helping make Xbox LIVE everything that it is today!


Marc Whitten
General Manager, Xbox LIVE

Thursday 3 January 2008

Third Party "360"?

UK, January 3, 2008 - Microsoft's head honcho Bill Gates is due to make his final keynote speech at next week's Consumer Electronics Show, and many are speculating he is to go out with a bang with the announcement of a new flavour for the Xbox 360.

The murmurings began with a column by Brier Dudley in The Seattle Times, a source close to Microsoft, in which some educated guesswork about the contents of Gates' swansong was aired. These ranged from the fairly pedestrian – a focused convergence between the Xbox Live, Zune and Media Center teams to offer a one-stop service for content – to the more bravado anticipation of a new variety of Xbox 360, adding to the various choices already available. Dudley outlined the possibility of Microsoft licensing out their technology to a third party "…to develop a digital video recorder with a hard-drive, high-definition HD-DVD drive and Xbox gaming capabilities."

Already the rumour has snowballed, with Stuff Magazine going as far to outline specifications of the new Xbox, alongside a speculative street date of Autumn 2008 and the moniker of Xbox Ultimate. Among the features they expect to see are the aforementioned HD-DVD drive, built-in Wi-Fi, a more muted fan and a 320GB hard disk that would enable users to fully benefit from the Xbox IPTV service.

Unsurprisingly, Microsoft UK were not willing to offer comment on the growing specula

Thanks to IGN.COM for the info.

Reminds me a little of the DVD enabled, chrome Panasonic Gamecube which only came out in Japan...There's one for sale in Cambridge in a shop called GAMETRON EXCHANGE incase anyone is interested....

On another note, it's 2008 which means REZ HD is out this year!!! W00T!